Melasma is a common pigmentation issue with a variety of […]
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Sciton Inc (Palo Alto, California, USA) was established in 1997 by Jim Hobart and Dan Negus, who had just left Coherent Medical (largest laser company in the world at the time). They envisioned starting a laser company that made high quality laser and light devices that helped medical professionals deliver undeniable results to their medical and aesthetic patients.
Fast forward 25 years- today Sciton Inc is recognised by industry insiders for their advanced training and education, superior quality and workmanship, and a world class clinical support team. Their light and laser devices remain entirely hand made and assembled in their Palo Alto, California factory.
Sciton Inc’s “hero” product (no pun intended), is the BBL HERO, which stands for Broad Band Light (High Energy Rapid Output). Launched in 2020, BBL HERO represents an upgrade on the “classic” BBL, which has been in service since 2004.
BBL HERO represents a quantum leap in performance from the “classic” BBL with enhanced cooling, peak power, and speed. It has proven to be up to nine times faster than other IPL devices when considering fluences, spot sizes, and repetition rates.
At Bay Aesthetics Clinic and Medspa, we offer the BBL HERO. It features a firing rate of 4Hz, making it four times faster than the traditional "Classic BBL" at 1Hz. This rapid firing rate means treatments are quicker, more comfortable, and achieve better skin coverage.
Patient comfort is further enhanced by contact cooling from the sapphire crystal, which cools the skin down to a soothing 10°C. The BBL HERO is versatile, with multiple adapters to treat all body parts: Full (15x45mm), Square (15x15mm), and Circle (11 or 13mm).
Our quick-change filters, available in various wavelengths (420 nm, 515 nm, 560 nm, 590 nm (ST), 640 nm, 695 nm (ST), and 800nm (ST)), allow us to customise treatments for different skin types and conditions, ensuring optimal results for every patient.
We recognise the BBL HERO’s versatility to cater to the diverse needs of our patients. Therefore, to make the most of this advanced technology, a range of BBL protocols were developed to better suit our patients’ needs. These BBL protocols include: Forever Young, Forever Clear, Forever Bare, and Skintyte.
Forever Young works on skin rejuvenation for the face, neck, body, and limbs. Forever Clear targets acne, Forever Bare aids in hair removal, while Skintyte focuses of skin tightening. Each BBL treatment is customised to the patient and a combination of treatment protocols may be employed (e.g Forever Young + Skintyte for a patient seeking rejuvenation, or Forever Clear + Forever Bare for a patient with acne and unwanted facial hair).
The Forever Young BBL protocol is designed for skin rejuvenation, brightening, and anti-aging. It requires minimal downtime and no numbing cream. After the treatment, patients may experience mild skin redness and slight darkening of pigments. The initial treatment phase consists of 3-5 sessions scheduled every 2-4 weeks, followed by maintenance treatments every 1-2 months.
Forever Young BBL has been shown to reverse ageing on a cellular level, changing the DNA expression pattern of aged skin cells to resemble young skin cells.
“Rejuvenation of gene expression pattern of aged human skin by broadband light treatment: a pilot study” by Chang et al published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, a clinical trial performed at Stanford University, compared the DNA expression profile skin cells of 10 individuals who were aged 50 and had sun damage (“test subjects”) to 10 individuals aged 30 without sun damage (“test control”) [1]. At baseline, there was a significant difference in the gene expression profile, with different sets of DNA being expressed between the two groups.
Three treatments of Forever Young BBL were performed to the skin of the test subjects and a skin sample was sent for testing, which showed that after BBL treatment, the DNA expression profile of the aged and sun damaged skin cells had changed and started to be similar to young skin cells without sun damage. The authors of the “Stanford Study” concluded that Forever Young BBL treatment was able to reverse ageing on a cellular level by changing the DNA expression profile of aged and sun damaged skin cells.
The findings were further corroborated by a clinical study “Retrospective evaluation of the Long term anti aging effects of Broadband Light Therapy, “published by two USA-based Dermatologists [2]. In this study, 15 patients (aged 38-69 years, median 46 years) received regular Forever Young BBL treatments (average 3 times per year) over a 5-11 year period (median 9 years). Their photographs were taken at the start and at the end of the treatment period and shown to 491 blinded evaluators who were medical professionals (e.g. Dermatologists, Plastic Surgeons). The results were surprising- after almost 10 years, these 15 patients appeared to have not aged at all, with the blinded evaluators rating the estimated age of these patients almost 10 years younger than the actual age (average estimated age 45 years, average actual age 55 years).
Forever Clear BBL is a three step acne clearance protocol that aims to treat inflammatory acne WITHOUT the use of topical or systemic acne medication. Patients who cannot receive medication for acne (e.g. pregnant or breastfeeding women) or are concerned about the side effects of medication (e.g. fetal malformations from systemic acne medication) can consider Forever Clear BBL to treat their acne.
Step one uses blue light (420 nm filter) to destroy the Propionibacterium acnes bacteria responsible for inflammatory acne. Step 2 uses red/yellow light (560 nm filter) to reduce skin inflammation and redness. Step 3 uses infrared light (800 nm filter) to reduce the sebum production in the oil glands and also trigger new collagen formation
Forever Clear BBL requires 4-6 weekly sessions, depending on the severity of the acne. The results of Forever Clear BBL become enhanced when combined with skincare, Hydrafacials and acne medication.
Forever Bare BBL is the hair removal protocol of BBL HERO, designed to achieve permanent hair removal efficiently and painlessly, with each session reducing hair by approximately 20-30%. Unlike traditional laser hair removal, which uses high-powered laser blasts that can cause pain and burns by destroying the hair follicle with excessively high energy, Forever Bare BBL employs a gentler approach. It gradually builds up energy through multiple low fluence passes while simultaneously cooling the skin with a Sapphire tip, ensuring a comfortable, pain-free, and safe treatment suitable even for darker skin types.
As with most laser hair removal technologies, the ideal candidate for this treatment has black or dark brown hair and fair skin. White, grey, or blonde hair cannot be effectively removed, and more conservative settings are necessary for darker skin types.
Typically, patients need 6-8 sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart to achieve approximately 80-90% hair removal. The treatment is not painful, does not require numbing cream, and patients can resume normal activities immediately afterward.
Investing in Sciton's BBL HERO was a significant decision—quality came at a high cost. After intensive field testing, it became clear that the BBL HERO device yielded significantly better results. However, it required further refinement to tailor the treatment for Asian skin types.
Following a large number of cases, the doctors at Bay Aesthetics Clinic successfully optimised the BBL HERO treatment for these skin types. Dr. Bernard Tan, Medical Director of Bay Aesthetics Clinic, was appointed as Singapore’s Key Opinion Leader and Trainer for BBL HERO, leading laser workshops for both local and international medical professionals at the clinic.
BBL HERO is now one of the top treatments offered at Bay Aesthetics Clinic, with a high volume of weekly cases and numerous satisfied clients, both local and international—as evidenced by our Google reviews.
Melasma is a common pigmentation issue with a variety of […]
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